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the project
Carry out a small research study through design. The design work is the driving force in the research work. The purpose is thus not only to investigate how something is today but to explore and design proposals for how something can or could be.
The scenario we chose a scenario called “The deep green wave”. Everyone is living in small self sufficient societies that aren’t depending on importation of goods. People are living within nature, but see themselves as separate from it.
We wanted to focus on nature and humans as equal. Therefore our focus was posthumanism and how to create a bridge between humans and nature.
The process
1.5 months
Futures wheel
A day in a life
Design experiment
From the first sketches we realized that we had forgotten the posthumanist perspective, we started to focus less on how humans can understand the nature in terms of how they can be gained from it. Instead we focused on letting humans know that nature is as alive as they are.
The end
Vibralink is an alternative way to connect with nature and to decrease the feeling of alienation. The glove makes it possible for humans to feel the natural vibrations in nature. Vibralink does not give an indication of how natures mood, it only gives an indication of life.
Agnes M.
Product design student
Press the button to see the “About” page.
Andrea Å.
Product design student
A friend who I worked on this project with. Press the button below to view her portfolio.